Hi! I’m Robbert Erents. I am, amongst other things, interested in any component that makes up a large IT infrastructure. Think of it as always working in the background: no one sees you, no one notices you. Except when the poo hits the fan, then suddenly everybody comes running your way. So, take great care of an infrastructure an you will never stand in the spotlights. A good thing, when you just want to carry on with your work without being harrased by users.
As always, a great portion of someone’s knowledge and experience (in this case mine, to be exactly) has developed and grown with the help of The Community: interesting posts, useful tips & tricks and old and new friends. All of which can be found online. With this blog, I want to add my two cents to this helpful community. In this blog I try to be as clear and helpful as I can to explain things I have found out, so that other people can use it too.
Situations, names and elements may have been changed to preserve the privacy of the customers I work with. Opinions and judgements expressed by me are mine, and no one else’s. Not my employer’s, not my colleague’s, not even my mother’s. So, there we are.
Robbert Erents, Lead Engineer for VMware and storage products at OGD ict-diensten
Robbert, @RobbertErents on Twitter, is the VCAP-DCD-certified technical lead engineer at OGD ict-diensten. He has a strong focus on datacenter infrastructure, and is very knowledgable in VMware technologies like Site Recovery Manager and various storage products, such as Nimble Storage, Dell/EqualLogic and NetApp FAS. He designs, implements and troubleshoots complex IT infrastructures on a day-to-day basis.
Robbert has a weak spot for physical hardware. He’s used this motivation to develop the Vintage Hardware Stack, a hardware lab based on a very broad mix of physical hardware, mostly older hardware donated by customers. As a principal technical trainer for datacenter infrastructure products, he uses this VHS as a tool to share his extensive knowledge and educate junior engineers within the company.