Migrating BackupExec 2010 R3 to new server

OK, facing one very interesting project: migrating a complete BackupExec installation with all data, jobs and history to a new server. I will follow This Symantec Article , see where it will bring me! More news in a couple of days ..

ADDED OCT. 13th:

OK, I succeeded! here are the steps necessary to migrate stuff:

– Make sure that source and destiantion BackupExec versions are the same. It’s essential for Database schema (or mismatches, if versions are not the same)
– Run LiveUpdate on source and destination until no more updates are available. Then run it again, just to be sure. LiveUpdate can have its weirdnesses
– Make sure no jobs are running at the time of the data migration. if necessary, put alll jobs on hold


OK, there we go! Source is prepared, destination is ready, migration time!

1) Write down all license information (Tools – Install options and license keys on this media server)
2) Write down the Backup-to-Disk location (In my case an iSCSI LUN on a small SAN)
3) Stop all Symantec BackupExec 2010 services. Do this through the BE2010 console, or through services.msc. Also stop the BE2010 SQL Server service!
4) All the BackupExec data is located in c:\program files\symantec\backupexec\data. copy this to a temporary location, available to the new backup server. I assume everyone is comfortable enough with share$’s. Do not move the msgq*.* files!
5) Run through the destination install of BE2010 again, checking that LiveUpdate is done etc etc.
6) Stop all BackupExec services, and the BE2010 SQL Server service.
7) Copy the saved \data files from the source to c:\program files\symantec\backupexec\data in the new BE2010 install
8) Rename the DataPartition part in the SQL Database:|
8a) Open a CMD prompt and type “Sqlcmd -E -S servername\BKUPEXEC”
8b) Type “use BEDB” and type “go”
8c) Type “SELECT partitionname FROM datapartition” and type “go”
8d) Type “UPDATE DataPartition SET PartitionName='<Dest.server name>’ WHERE PartitionID =0”
8e) Type “quit” and exit the CMD prompt
9) Start all services
10) Check if all Job Data is correct and remove old devices
11) Reconnect the iSCSI LUN in your Windows server, and recreate the Backup-To-Disk folder in BE2010.

And you should be good to go! In rare occasions, you can run into errors while selecting the new Datapartition on your SQL database. Try to run the CMD prompt as admin.

Reboot the system one more time, to check if every service starts OK. Oh, and don’t forget to update your mailserver to allow mail relay from the new server IP 😀

The start of Infrastructure Matters!

OK, so this is the early start of my site about InfraStructure Experiences. Coming days I’ll decide how things will look like, and develope it further. And, of course, Tech talk about the three major components of a corporate Infrastructure: Central Storage, Networking and Virtualisation. Bookmark and wait 😀