I recently have enrolled the company I work for in the NetApp Silver Partner Program. And, as one of the prerequisites put by the Distri, at least one of the employees of a new Silver Partner company has to follow a NetApp Silver Partner Course organised by the distri. Me and a colleague from work were attending this course, with a total of 5 participants. The teacher should have checked the technical level he was up against, us 2 were way more developed in our NetApp fu than the others. In short: you can learn a lot of the product if you’ve never or nearly never heard of it. WHen you are experienced with it, it’s not recommended. Or a waste of your time. On the other hand, I can understand that a distri / producer wants to have a decent and equal level of knowledge from alll their new partners. It’s a tick on their checklist. So, that’s how I see it. A waste of time, but necessary.
Storage Expo 2011
Looking forward to Thursday 3rd of November! The Storage Expo is then taking place at Jaarbeurshallen Utrecht, together with Tooling Event and InfoSecurity. Last year it got me a job at a very exciting ICT-services company. This year I want to meet the guys from NetApp and Veeam, and see what other people can share at the various seminars and talks. See more at http://www.storage-expo.nl. And, best of all, it’s free! Keep an eye on the badges, you might see me!
Bummer! FAS940 is refusing operation
That’s a real bummer: My FAS940 refues operation: It nags about a device in PCI slot 16 not cooperating: I suspect it is an NVRAM thingie on the card, but not quite sure how or what. Error will be posted when I got over the initial shock ..