Dell iDrac FW 1.50.50 picky on time formats

As I recently discovered, a small “oops” on behalf of Dell:

New Dell PowerEdge servers are being shipped with iDrac firmware version 1.50.50. This specific firmware version has the unfortunate side effect that when you open the iDrac webpage (default IP address in IE11 with incorrect time and date settings, the login page is displayed without any Java elements. You basically can not log in.

In any browser, on any OS, the login page is displayed without any Java elements. Regional Date/time formats are NOT “English (United States)”. Login elements are not available, extra information is not available, nothing can be done in the page. Dell logo, some login boxes and some plaintext is visible.

Date/time formats are NOT “English (United States)” which causes Java elements not to run.

Go to Control panel – Region – Tab Formats. Change the date/time format to “English (United States)”. Reload the iDrac web pagem and all the elements in the login screen do work again. MIND YOU: This can cause legay or poorly written applications to bounce, break or just stop working. Think about the impact before you change it.

Downgrade the 1.50.50 verion to an earlier one, and wait for Dell to fix it.

Dell has confirmed this is a bug in their brand new fw 1.50.50 version. They are working on a new version in which this will be fixed. be patient, my young OutOfBand administrator ..

-+* Update *+-
Dell has released 1.51.51 which fixes this bug, amongst some others. See for more details.